Caller Fish

Voltiando al pescadofono...
Una noticia muy curiosa aparecio publicada en el diario Sun de UK:

Andrew Cheatle, un empresario, estaba el fin de semana jugando con su perro en la playa cuando, sin darse cuenta, su telefono Nokia 1600 salio de su bolsillo y cayo al mar. El hombre, que no se habia dado cuenta donde habia perdido el telefono, llamaba constantemente a ver si alguien lo habia encontrado y le atendia, pero al segundo dia de hacerlo, finalmente desistio.
Por lo anterior, unos dias mas tarde decide ir a la tienda con su novia para comprar uno nuevo. Lo que ocurrio es lo sorprendente... cuando estan en la tienda, el telefono de su novia suena y quien la llama es un pescador, de nombre Glen Kerley que le dice que consiguio el telefono en un pescado.

Glen, pesco un ejemplar de unas 25 libras y dentro se consiguio el telefono. Sorprendido por su hallazgo, saco la SIM Card del equipo y la puso en el suyo y entre los contactos consiguio el de la novia del empresario. Fue asi como la llamo para contarle lo sucedido.

Luego del encuentro, el agradecido Andrew tomo su telefono recuperado y probo hacer una llamada... y funciono!!!
Last week, readers of the Sun newspaper in the UK got to see a Nokia phone displayed in a bizarre setting: poking out of the mouth of a huge cod.As you can imagine the story behind this bizarre image is just as strange, and turns out to be somewhat of a testament to the fortitude of many Nokia devices. The Sun reported that a Nokia 1600 was found inside the belly of a 25lb cod caught out at sea by a suitably surprised fisherman - even more surprising was the fact that the phone still worked and was able to make phone calls.The Nokia 1600 phone belonged to a guy called Andrew Cheatle, and had originally fallen out of his pocket near the sea shore. He was resigned to the fact that it had been swept away and lost in the big blue. However, a week later it was discovered in the stomach of a sizable cod by fisherman Glen Kerley, when gutting his catch. According to The Sun, Glen the fisherman removed the SIM card, popped it inside his phone, and called Andrew’s girlfriend (one of the numbers stored on the SIM) and explained the story to her.When Andrew received the handset back, dried it out, cleaned it up and it still worked and he is still using it. Granted, it was playing up a little and he decided to have the circuit board changed, but it was still able to make calls. A fish story? Maybe, but this speaks volumes of the quality of Nokia phones.

Habla bien de la calidad de nuestros equipos, no???



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